My First Forge World Foray…

Work on my Nurgle marines continues, and this time I had an opportunity to do something I’d never done before – work with Forge World bits. I managed to snag a set of Death Guard conversion bits off of eBay a couple of weeks ago, and this past week I set...
A brother takes up the black

A brother takes up the black

OK couldn't resist the call back to the other watch who wears black.  Been working on the start of a Xenos kill team to either play as a sternguard squad, or play in small kill team games.  I haven't come up with a name for him yet, but one of the guys had...
In the Mouth of Magnets

In the Mouth of Magnets

Yuuup. All options magnetized.Today's guest article comes from Matt on the joy of magnetic force. Greetings to you who peruse this blog.I have come to this place to share my madness. I first delved into the 40k universe with the Blood Angels. One of my first...

Progress With Papa Nurgle

Two weeks since my last post. So much for my goal of posting once every calendar week. Still, I actually have hobby progress for the first time in a long while, so I’ll go with it. This week, I’ve managed to start work on my Nurgle Chaos Marines, getting...

Thor’s Workbench: Chaos Sorcerer (WIP #2)

Last time I had cut the arms off and filled in the arm joints so I could magnetize the arms. Since then I’ve done that, magnetized the arms, done some hole repair in this lovely “Finecast” material, and did a little more green stuff work to blend the...