When Models Fall and the World Stops

I am sure most of us have had it happen. There is nothing worse than those brief moments, when our treasured fragile model is falling from your hands/table and on its way down to crash onto the floor. Its even worse when you know that the flooring is wood or tile, and...

Making Bases: Skulls for the Skull Throne!

I want to say this is my first cross post article between my blog (l33tlike.us) and the Beltway Gamers site.  They are expanding their content and asked me to contribute some articles. I am happy to oblige. I want to talk bases with you and how to get a nice...

Sons of Apophis- Building an Egyptian themed 40k army Part 2

So I had these great big plans for my maulerfiend..Funny when you envision one thing and something else entirely else happens.. I had spent a lot of time gathering up the bits, which I thought would... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full...

Death Watch Kill-team Blood Angels Sternguard

After building my Salamanders Sternguard vet for the Badab Death Watch contest, I decided that I needed to have an entire kill-team.  It also helps that my FLGS is running a regular kill-team event. I've got two other built, one more halfway done, and bits for a few...

Sons of Apophis- Building an Egyptian themed 40k army

I Wanted to do something different for the new Chaos codex release and after a while I decided to do a themed T- Sons type force. I’ve always loved Egyptian mythos and Thousands sons, so why... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links,...