Ep 40 – FAQ’s, Building a Thunderhawk and more

Welcome to Ep 40 of Screaming Heretic. Your best source for Warhammer 40k nonsense, laughs, sometimes news, and once in awhile good hobby advice.  WARNING IF YOUR ABLE TO BE OFFENDED CHANCES ARE THIS... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full...

Meet the Skarred

With the exception of basing, I have wrapped up the painting on my Skarred. With that I thought I would share them here. For scale, the harpies and the grafter are the normal human size model. Take a look. Read more »

Models Done: Howler and Abomination

I started off with a couple of the biggest models I have for Dark Age. The Brood Howler and the Skarred Abomination. While I am currently working on more, I plan on getting these two factions (about 500pts) complete, before heading out to my next project. Read more »

Ep39 – Dark Angels, Forge World, and Apocalypse 40k

Welcome to Ep 39 of Screaming Heretic. Your best source for Warhammer 40k nonsense, laughs, sometimes news, and once in awhile good hobby advice.  WARNING IF YOUR ABLE TO BE OFFENDED CHANCES ARE THIS... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full...