Just a Bunch of Smiling (ex)People

 When there's no room left in Hell the Dead will walk the Earth. I just could not have a Death Guard army without some Poxwalkers. Okay, sixty of them. Plus a big 'un taken from the Fantasy line.It was a lot of work to do sixty and try to have them be kind of...

Death Guard on the Bench

 Some days you just have to start easy. After building my entire Death Guard army, they sat unprimed for a few months. Now it is time for gooey evil! I chose to begin painting Nurgle's champions with a Plagueburst Crawler. Kind of an odd choice, but I wanted...

Rotating Paint Rack Deluxe

 Yet another way to make handling paint pots easier and more convenient.This time from Gamecraft minis. It's a nice laser-cut wood spinner tower that holds 58 Citadel sized pots.Some very quick and easy assembly is required, with a bit of white glue. It has...

Chaos Kill Team

 My Kill Team rampage shows no sign of letting up. I have assembled the Legionary Team from the Nachmund set. The new standard ten Chaos Marine sprue with a bonus sprue to made some cool Kill Team figs. It makes a nice selection of minis to swap in and out...

Stop. Hammer Time!

 Somedays you just need three Hammerheads. Who I am kidding, most days I need three Hammerheads. And now that they have received the new paint scheme and fancy 3D printed stand, they are ready to re-educated those who question The Greater Good! One of the...