How to convert a Space Marine MK4 helmet

Now that I've built one, there are certainly some changes I would make, but I don't think I'll need to buy any more MK4 helmets now that I know I can make my own using a normal Space Marine helmet... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links,...

Bretonnian Trebuchet’s – finished #steakbet

I have finished the two Bretonnian Trebuchet's for my 2400/2800 point Bretonnian army for the Black Sheep Brawl on January 19th and WFB OFCC in June of 2013.  The actual war machines took longer than the crew for some reason, I'm hazarding a guess...

No Mercy for the Masses

The Lost and the Damned reach critical mass.Superstorm Sandy took away my electricity, so I passed the daylight hours building models.  The result:That's about 400 Lost and the Damned models, including tons of plague zombies, four full IG blob squads, fifteen...

Bikes and Apostles and Havocs, Oh My!

The bikes I started three weeks ago are finally together; I opted for meltaguns over plasma because I needed some anti-armor punch. Even the bike champ is toting around a combi-melta liberated from my loyalist bits to provide that extra shot when necessary. The lord...

Making your own Command squad upgrades

With Forge World releasing their Legion MKIV Command Squad upgrades, I thought I might take a look at how you can make something similar and much cheaper. I like the idea of Command squads even if... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links,...