Eldar Versions of Imperial 6th Edition Fortifications.

Now that the awesomeness that is Warhammer 40,000 6th Edition has arrived, I have the opportunity to create unique EldarĀ fortificationĀ terrain counts-as for the Aegis Defense Line, The Imperial Bastion and others. I’ve got a few ideas running through my head...

Alien Tyrant Guard Conversion

Aliens-themed bodyguards with lash whips?  Easy.Starting with a few extra Tyranid warrior weapon arms and some copper wire, I drilled in the whips:Bending the wire and a tiny bit of putty, helped to to give the whips with a proper "probe" appearance:I used the...

Converted Tyranid Prime

An Alien Prime to help keep the swarm in order?  Weyland-Yutani would be impressed.The model I used as a basis for this Tyranid prime, is an Inquisitor-scale Genestealer.  I replaced the head with a Carnifex "acute senses" bit, with a Tyrgon...

Alien Color Recipe and Results

Here is the color treatment I used on the Aliens project I recently completed.  I hope this is of some use, if not to be copied, at least to be adapted:Prime black (P3 Black Spray Primer)Overbrush turquoise (GW brand Kabalite Green and Nurgling Green)Airbrush...

SM Tech Support Day (we lost count)

Master of the Forge HeathAs some of you may remember I started a Master of the Forge on a Bike project back in September.  I took him with me on the road so I would have something to do at night in the hotel.  He didn't see much progress when I got back, but...