Chaos drifting hulk cruiser

Chaos drifting hulk cruiser

Here is the first of a few drifting hulks for my Chaos fleet. This started life as a poorly built ebay model. Thanks to my buddy Kev for converting this for me, the details are great!I can think of lots of ways to use this model, it can be used to represent the first...

7 Wave Serpents (part 1)

7 is probably too much to handle but here we go. I was missing 2 bottom turret shrunken cannons, so I converted my own from twin linked shrunken catapults Cheers for now, I’m beat.
7 Wave Serpents (part 1)

7 Wave Serpents (part 1)

7 is probably too much to handle but here we go. I was missing 2 bottom turret shrunken cannons, so I converted my own from twin linked shrunken catapults Cheers for now, I’m beat.

Something I forgot: Objective Markers (WargamesCon preperation).

Ok I completely forgot about finishing my Objective Markers until last night. Right now they’re on 30mm bases and they should be on 40mm bases (both in most current tournaments and according to rumor for the next edition, despite the fact the Assault on Black...

To the Nostromo, from Hong Kong

We all like to get hugged, right?  And we all have faces, yes?When I was a kid, I was entranced by the Halcyon line of Alien themed model kits.  Sadly, dreams of a chest-burster themed mailbox were quickly jettisoned from the airlock at the sight of a $150...