Quick Tip: Making Mordian Plasma Guns

So I can't take full credit for this one, I nicked the idea from one of the other Fly Lord members but I'll be the one to pass on the tipper. I'm sure most people hate the idea of more plasma on the table, especially Bushido Panda but here we go!Read more ยป

Quick Tip: Making Nurgle Boils

Hello! My name is daKing; the most silent of the Fly Lords of Terra. Realgenius told me that if I don't post at least one article on Blog per year, I'll lose my Fly membership and with it all the perks :( So here I am on the last day of 2011 to bring you all a...
Talos WIP part 2

Talos WIP part 2

 Here is my magnetized, assembled Talos.  The lighting isn't the best. I magnetized both arms with large magnets at the shoulders, and smaller magnets in the elbow.  The tail is magnetized, and so is the gun on the forearm.  I made the custom chain...

Blood and Gore Effects

Great hobby tip by Mr. Justin on creating a really cool blood gore effect. He uses it on bases, but the same technique could work on other parts of the model as well. [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
Magnetized Ork Nobz / Flash Gitz / Lootas

Magnetized Ork Nobz / Flash Gitz / Lootas

 Royce gave me some magnets for my birthday, and now I don't know what I ever did before magnets. I bought bits for 10 nobz minus the heads because I'm using ork pirate heads from MaxMini. My plan is to use the nobz for Flash gitz, regular nobs, or Lootas. I'm...