Fifty Day Nurgle Challenge – Day 25: Halfway There!

Wow, it’s been quite the twenty five years days, hasn’t it? I’ve managed to finish – you’ve guessed it – four more PoxWalkers today. Here’s the current state of the challenge. Completed • 14 PoxWalkers • 1 Sloppity...

Fifty Day Nurgle Challenge – Day 24: The NeverEnding Unit

Please, just make it stop! I’m really beginning to struggle with these PoxWalkers. I got these finished today. I have twelve more to go and I’m going to power through them. The next three are already base coated so at the very least they’ll be done...

Fifty Day Nurgle Challenge – Day 22: Droning On

Man, I love this model.  I always wanted one of Forge World’s Greater Blight Drones but never really got around to it (yet) and when the first images of the plastic Foetid Bloat-Drone surfaced early last year I nearly had a heart attack! Anyway, here it is...

Fifty Day Nurgle Challenge – Day 22: Droning On

Man, I love this model.  I always wanted one of Forge World’s Greater Blight Drones but never really got around to it (yet) and when the first images of the plastic Foetid Bloat-Drone surfaced early last year I nearly had a heart attack! Anyway, here it is...

Fifty Day Nurgle Challenge – Day 19: Back to Work

Quite literally as I returned to my grown up job after two weeks holiday. Never mind though as I’m determined not to let up until this bloody army is done! Today I finished up yet another batch of Poxwalkers and, as you can see from the image below, made decent...