
I’m currently still mucking about with my Dark Angels but inspiration was getting a bit sparse so I decided to knock up a little buddy for my soon-to-be-built-and-painted-honest-I-really-mean-it-this-time Necromunda gangs.  Here he is. I know it’s a bit...

Dark Angel Primaris Lieutenant

So glad I finally got this done, took me far longer than I’d thought but it was fun, especially towards the end where I was able to spend time on the more ornate details. Now, onto Cypher 🙂 Advertisements

All Your (32mm) Base Belong To Us

A few years ago I built a single squad of Pink Horrors for my Chaos Marines to summon and at the time I thought no more of it.  I mean, who in their right mind would collect a fourth army? Anyway, fast forward two and a half years and I’ve accidentally amassed a...

Dark Angels Primaris Intercessors

I’ve been playing around with a number of projects this year but the only one to actually get to the finishing post has been the first of the reinforcements from the Ultima Founding. I have to admit that when I first heard about the Primaris Marines I was not...

Something Rotten This Way Comes…

By which I mean, Plague Marines!  As with most of my new projects, I tend to start off with a one or two (in this case, three) test models to help dial in my proposed paint scheme.  Fortunately as I’ve recently painted up a decent amount of Nurgle Daemons this...