Nurgle Contemptor Dreadnought

I love simple paint schemes!  This chap only took me five hours or so to paint.     T       This model forms the effective start of a small Nurgle contingent for use with my main Heralds of Desolation Chaos Space Marine army.  I’m still...

Nurgle Contemptor Dreadnought – WIP 1

Keeping with my Nurgle force, I decided to adapt the Betrayal at Calth plastic Contemptor for the service of all things icky.  The build itself was fairly easy as the kit is once of the simplest to put together.  The only real difficulties, if you could call...

Typhus – Herald of Nurgle

It’s so good to both build and finish a model that’s been sitting on the shelf for a while, therefore I am very happy to present my interpretation of Typhus, the Herald of Nurgle.   This model was an absolute joy to paint, so much so that my next...

Orpheo’s Lament – Knight Paladin of House Orpheo

Well, it’s certainly been a while, but there’s a very good reason for that.  It was my birthday near the beginning of June and with some of the Hobby Money gifted, I decided to pick up a copy of Imperial Knight Renegade (available from Element Games...

Astra Militarum Command Squad

Finished these gents yesterday, it’s the first Command Squad I’ve painted in many a year and I have to say I had a blast getting them ready.  The picture’s somewhat crappy as I was dealing with far from ideal lighting conditions today so if I can...