Astra Militarum Infantry Squad

I’m participating in a doubles tournament tomorrow and I though that I’d dust off my old Imperial Guard Astra Militarum for the occasion, especially after painting the Wyvern last month. I’ve not used my guard in a very long time, so long in fact...

Dark Angels Imperial Marine

Even though the First Legion and greatest Space Marine Chapter Of All Time can’t technically field this chap, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have one.         I loved painting this model, I wish that more were made in this range but...

Astra Militarum Wyvern

Finished on time, for once! I painted it in seven sub-assemblies; the hull, the two crew, the turret, the trigger assembly, and the two Stormshard Mortars.  I think I’d have gone crazy trying to paint it fully assembled! Also, this was the first time that I...

Astra Militarum Wyvern – WIP 2

   It’s getting there. This is about five hours of work over three days, I’ve not had much time this week but I think I’ve spent it well.  This evening after I returned from my weekly RPG session (currently we’re playing Legend...

Astra Militarum Wyvern – WIP 1

   Can’t believe it’s been almost two years since I last added to my trusty old Imperial Guard! I picked this up a while back and have been looking forward to building it throughout my recent foray into She Who Thirsts.  This was a...