Chaos Land Raider – WIP 4

It’s almost done! This evening I attached the sponsons and gunner and popped the twin-linked heavy bolter in place to see how it looked, and I like it.  There’s still some tidying needed, especially around the trophy spikes and chains but really all...

Stormcast Eternal Liberator

As seemingly half the gaming word as done, I picked up a copy of White Dwarf 75 and have just finished painting the free Stormcast Eternal Liberator. I’ve not painted a gold miniature since my cack-handed attempt to paint the original Captain Tycho model in the...

Stormcast Eternal Liberator

As seemingly half the gaming word as done, I picked up a copy of White Dwarf 75 and have just finished painting the free Stormcast Eternal Liberator. I’ve not painted a gold miniature since my cack-handed attempt to paint the original Captain Tycho model in the...

Chaos Land Raider – WIP 3

Things have been a bit quiet of late at Ferguson Towers, mainly down to properly insane amounts of work leaving me too tired to pick up a paint brush.  Fortunately today I’ve managed to barricade myself in my Hobby Lair and used the time to get stuck in to my...

Chaos Land Raider – WIP 2

The inside’s detailed and the hull’s complete. Not bad for a couple of days.                    I’m taking a day off tomorrow for my birthday but the plan’s to have this finished...