The 2015 #WAACChallenge – Part 5: For Sale!

The auction is now live, and just within the deadline. Before I listed it I decided to take some better photos which I hope might make it sell better. I’ve also decided to bend the rules of the challenge somewhat.  Since I only paid £2 for this model I will be...

Chaos Land Raider – WIP 1

Here in Edinburgh we have an extra long weekend thanks to Queen Liz not being dead yet (thanks ma’am :-) ) so I’ve decided to make a start on a project I’ve been looking forward to for a very, very long time. I’ve wanted a Land Raider for my...

Brushes Fear Me

Earlier this week I popped in to my local GW to pick up a couple of new drybrushes.  Here’s a comparison between them and the ones they’re replacing. Let’s zoom in for a closer look, shall we?     I believe that my problem is threefold. ...

The 2015 #WAACChallenge – Part 3: Painting in Progress

It’s slowly coming together. As you can see, I’m keeping the colours fairly traditional.  Now that (most) of the base coat is in place I have quite a lot of highlighting to do, as well as to decide how weathered and rusty to make his weapons and armour....

The 2015 #WAACChallenge – Part 2: Model Built (almost)

It’s here! I spent a little time today building this guy.      I decided against attaching the model to the base at this point and, once done, I’ll pin it in place for added resilience.  I was also wrong about this model being a...