Lord of Blights

Been a slow start to this year, got hit by Covid pretty hard (yes, I’m vaccinated), so it’s somewhat appropriate that my first completed mini is a Nurgle Maggotkin Lord of Blights!

Lord of Blights

Been a slow start to this year, got hit by Covid pretty hard (yes, I’m vaccinated), so it’s somewhat appropriate that my first completed mini is a Nurgle Maggotkin Lord of Blights!

Operative Umbral-Six – Vindicare Assassin

Even though I’ve a million things in-progress on my painting desk (well, my only desk), when my Warhammer Plus year one miniature dropped through the door I couldn’t resist! Since this is really a display piece, I decided to take inspiration from the box...

Necron Immortals

Finished these over the weekend. Far from my finest work, I have to confess the Age of Darkness box has been making sad eyes at me from the back of my hobby room, but I’m fairly happy with them. Next on my table are some Imperial Fists in Mk IV armour, with some...