Dark Angels Assault Squad Sergeant

Damn, I’ve actually been somewhat productive. Before moving onto the other squad members, I decided to paint the Sergeant. I usually do this so that I have a current reference for the squad in question. Plus it helps keep me motivated to know that, on occasion,...

Dark Angels Assault Squad – WIP 1

Ages ago (well September last year), I started these models, but I put them on ice for so many reasons. Now though, I’ve dusted (not literally, they were in a Tupperware box) them off and hope to have them ready soon. This evening, I spent just under an hour...

Chaos Space Marine Bikers

They took a bit longer than I’d anticipated (so, what’s new?) but I’m really pleased with how they’ve turned out.

Chaos Space Marine Bikers – WIP 1

After a good seven hours over the weekend, here’s how they are now. I’ve decided to make them my Slaaneshi contingent as I figured that the heightened sensations that come from riding very fast on lumps of metal into near-certain death is just the sort of...

Fast & Furious

I’ve a game next weekend and, in addition to my recently finished Heldrake I’m going to field a squad of bikes. That is, if they’re finished in time! About two years ago I went on a bike buying rampage on eBay and netted eight on-sprue sets for about...