Moving On

Model?  Check!  Paint?  Check!  Extremely sugary drink?  Check!  Absolute Classic Rock on the main PC?  Check! Yes, your eyes aren’t deceiving you but I’m actually painting again :-) I started this quite some time ago but, as regular readers will know, so...

Trenchmates – The Dark Talon by Tim Chant

Can it really be ten months since we heard from Tim?  Not really, I’ve been ultra crap and lost this article in the Inbox From Hell for the better part of two months (sorry, Tim!) so without futher a do, here’s a review of the Dark Angels Dark Talon flyer,...

Sorting Things Out

Wow, two posts in one day! Anyway, without wanting to create a negative atmosphere I haven’t painted since Dad died last month.  While it’s my intention/hope to pick up a brush by the end of the week right now I’ve been easing myself back into the...

Chaos Space Marine Heldrake – WIP 4

Now that I’m slowly getting back into the swing of things I’ve been able to progress my Heldrake some more. It’s now almost done, it still needs some tidying up, shading and (obviously) full assembly but I’m fairly confident I can get this done...

Mixed Gender Militarum Tempestus Scions

Look, I’m not dead!  It’s been exactly a month since my last post, the longest delay ever in the ignominious history of this pokey little blog.  There are a number of reasons, the most pressing of which is that my father is nearing the end of his valiant...