Officio Prefectus Commissar

Can’t believe I actually got it finished today. I’m not too happy with the face but it’s a damn sight better than more of my previous attempts. After all, it is a learning process :-) Now, onto either some possessed Chaos Marines or my Taurox Prime....

Officio Prefectus Commissar – WIP

Those of you who know me on Facebook will most likely know that due to ‘business pressures’ my holiday next week has even cancelled. As such, my planned Big Project is being pushed back for a while so instead I’ve decided to press ahead with this...

Leman Russ Resurrection – Part 4

After taking some time off for a family bereavement, I thought the best thing to get stuck into was my erstwhile Leman Russ revamp. Today I managed to get the base layer down and made a start on blocking out the metallics. I decided to manually apply the basecoat as...

Dark Angels Tactical Squad

As per usual, this took me far too long to complete but here’s my full Tactical Squad from the Dark Vengeance box. I really enjoyed painting these and the temptation to paint the other tac squad I have is great. However, I’d like to clear a few more...