Leman Russ Resurrection – Part 3

It’s alive! It took me longer than is anticipated but here’s how the old girl looks now. At the last minute I decided to replace the hull-mounted Lascannon with a Heavy Bolter and add on a removable ‘Dozer Blade but aside from that it looks as I had...

Leman Russ Resurrection – Part 2

With the stripping nearly complete I’ve started on the new tank commander. The parts have mostly come from my Bitz Box however as I recently picked up a Taurox Prime kit, I’ve taken the moustachioed Scion Commander head since it’s extraordinarily...

Leman Russ Resurrection – Part 1

Ages ago I posted an article pondering whether or not to revisit some of the old miniatures that I still regularly use. At the time I decided to leave things as they are however the advent of the new Astra Militarum Codex has brought with it a change of heart....

Spoils of War

A mate of mine occasionally asks me to sell his old hobby stuff online and as payment I get first dibs as well as the stuff that, to most people, is completely worthless. Here’s the ‘junk’ I received today. I’m taking some time off in May and I...

Dark Angels Tactical Squad – WIP

Following on from my experiment to see if I could paint a single Dark Angel in an hour or so (clicky), I’ve decided to see if I can finish off his squad mates. Here’s how far I’ve got. With the exception of the sergeant, I’ve been doing this by...