Laying it on too thickā€¦

We all do it sometimes, usually when we’re in a hurry or trying out a new paint, sometimes we terminally bugger-up a paint job and have to start again. In this case, I was both hurrying and trying a new paint, in this case Colour Forge’s awesome Sunset...

Dark Angels Primaris Inceptors

After much gnashing of teeth and shouting to the heavens warp, I finally finshed my first bouncy Primaris unit. Originally I’d hoped to use the supplied flying stems, but no glue in the world would stick them securely and I’m too clumsy/lazy to even...

Dark Angels Tactical Squad in Mk IV Armour

I’ve not been able to proper paint in a while, so I thought the best way to get back into the habit was to go back to my roots so-to-speak and paint something old school, and you don’t get much older than the First Legion in Heresy-era armour! I used the...

Necron Deathmarks

After a very busy festive period followed by my wife’s birthday and a metric ton of work thanks to my day job, I’ve finally been able to devote some time to my ever-so-slowly-growing Necron army. Today I was able to finish this sniper-assassin squad....

Denting the Living Metal Backlog

Once again, it’s been a while! Thanks to the ongoing worldwide pandemic my work has been extremely busy so I’ve not had as much time, indeed hardly any time, to get myself into a headspace where I’d be able to paint miniatures. However, even though...