Manufactorum – WIP 3

Almost finished this mini-project. The details, such that they are, are more or less done. While it’s very tempting to go overboard, I’m trying to keep it fairly simple so as not to detract from my armies’ models. That said, I’m going to...

Manufactorum – WIP 2

Yesterday I finished basing and undercoating my new Manufactorum and today I spent a relaxing half hour drybrushing it with my last dregs of Boltgun Metal. That’s all for tonight but since I’m on holiday this week, I imagine I’ll make some more...

Manufactorum – WIP 1

Not bad for a couple of hours. As well as four Manufactorum sprues worth of walls, I also used some plasticard to block the open windows and a spare Modular Movement tray for the roof. I also left a couple of gaps to enable walkways to be attached later to link this...

And so it begins…

After a gap of at least two years, I’m finally getting more scenery built. I picked up an Imperial Sector box ages ago (when it was considerably cheaper!) but never really got round to doing anything with it. I also picked up a few other IS sprues on eBay along...

Mutated Marines

After seven months, a change of job and the purchase of a house, my Mutated Marines are finally finished!  I started this project back in July shortly after having my arse handed to me by contributor and friend of Ramblings from The Trenches, Tim Chant and his Corpse...