Getting Back Into The Groove: Warriors of Chaos

I am very pleased to report that, not only have I started painting again but I’ve actually managed to finish something, and in time for Miniature Monday too! These Warriors of Chaos was part of my sWarmonger Secret Santa and I’m very glad they’re...

My 2014 Hobby Not-Resolutions

Now that things are ever so slowly returning to normal, I think it’s time to run through a few of the ideas I have for the coming few months. I did seriously consider writing a list of ‘Hobby Resolutions’ for 2014 but given my track record, I think I’ll keep things...

The Primogenitor Returns

Now that my glue and Green Stuff supplies are replenished, I’ve been able to spend a bit of time this afternoon assembling my Finecast Fabius Bile. I was very impressed how easily this went together. Pruning all the flash took a little under an hour and only a...

The Best Laid Plans…

As the day of The Move trundles ever closer with all the inevitability of a Baneblade, I’m getting less and less time to devote to anything remotely hobby-related. This afternoon, after a mammoth trip to the local recycling centre, I decided to reward myself by...

Getting Technical

This morning a parcel of hobby goodness arrived at my desk. I’m really looking forward to trying these out. If I’m able, I’ll post a brief review this weekend.