What I have planned for December

Please note, this is called what I have planned for December, what I actually end up doing is another matter entirely. Right, now with that excuse proviso out of the way let’s get started.  Obviously there are important Real Life matters that annoyingly get in...

Death from Above

Well, eventually. This evening I made a start on my Chaos Space Marine Raptors. As you can see, progress has been slight as my wife and I are preparing to move house and hobby time is very limited but hopefully I’ll have some decent results to show soon.

Better Luck Next Time!

Last Saturday the October winner of GW Edinburgh’s monthly Battle of The Brush was announced. Unfortunately I didn’t win, however I think you’ll all agree that Roger Axelsson’s miniature is a worth winner. Seriously, it’s bloody...

Dark Angels Librarian

It’s done, God-Emperor, it’s done! Well, more or less. The observant among you will notice that the left shoulder pad is bereft of iconography; I’ve varnished the area in preparation for a transfer but that can wait for now. The deadline for...