Big Damn Heroes

Well, that’s all of my Dark Angels built and along with the stuff from my limited edition Dark Vengeance box I think I’ve got quite a decent little force. As some of you may know, my Far Better Half and I are in the process of buying a house so I think...

The Unforgiven Emerge

Yes, yes, I know I have far too much on my hobby to-do list but this evening I couldn’t resist building some Dark Angels. Aside from the Dark Vengeance box contents, I’ve not assembled any loyalist Astartes in nearly twenty years so it’s been quite a...

Mutated Marines WIP 3

Decided to take a wee break from my Berserker Rhino and get some more of my mutated marines progressed. My aim is to get all the normal parts of the marines completely finished first before starting on the various ‘improvements’ they’ve picked up...

Khorne Berserker Rhino WIP 3

After coming down with a manflu-sized case of Nurgle’s Rot over the past week I finally managed to get some work done this afternoon. Still a lot to do, especially a significant amour of cleanup but I like the way it’s coming together

Khorne Berserker Rhino WIP 2

This evening I was supposed to be at my weekly Role Playing game (we’re in the middle of a really cool Mage game at the moment) but this damned cold means I can barely speak so I’d be even less use than usual. Since my wife works Tuesday evenings I thought...