Khorne Berserker Rhino WIP

Today was mostly spent house hunting but I was able to, eventually, make a start on the base coat for the Rhino. So far I’ve applied three thin coats of Khorne Red (what else?) followed by a glaze of Carroburgh Crimson. The next step is to paint on the metallic...

Needs more spikes…

Too much? I always enjoy indulging my Blood God tendencies and building this Rhino I accidentally bought on eBay has helped me embrace my Berserker side. I have tomorrow off as it’s a public holiday up here beyond the wall so with a bit of luck I’ll make...

Chaos Space Marine Sorcerer

This morning I put the finishing touches onto my Sorcerer. I really enjoyed painting this model however if I do a second I’ll leave off the left arm as it was a right bugger to detail the book underneath! This afternoon I’m going to make a start on a Rhino...

Chaos Space Marine Sorcerer WIP 2

I managed to get a couple hours of detail work done on the model so with a bit of luck I’ll be able to get it finished tomorrow.

The new Citadel Colour Sprays – First Impressions

This weekend I picked up a can of the new Macragge Blue spray paint. Since GW revamped their range of paints eighteen or so months ago, this colour has been the base colour for my Chaos Marines and since I loathe using an airbrush I was looking forward to this...