Mutated Chaos Space Marine WIP

After my ignominious defeat to the Corpse God’s deluded minions I’ve decided to reinforce my Chaos Marines and as I’m in the converting mood I’m going to give them all some mutations. Here’s my first attempt. I should have enough parts to...

Chaos Space Marine Terminators

After a marathon session on Saturday I managed to finish my Terminators in time for the first deployment of my Heralds of Desolation.  While my first foray into playing with Chaos Space Marines didn’t go entirely according to plan (okay, I was wiped out to the...

…And Relax!

That was a very productive afternoon! I don’t know how I did it but, aside from a few final touch ups and basing, these guys are done! I’ll post some better pics when they’re properly completed but by the gods I’m chuffed with my progress this...

Tick, Tock…

The first deployment of my Heralds of Desolation is in just over 24 hours and I only have these chaps to finish. Wish me luck!

Chaos Space Marine Hellbrute

After sitting half-converted on my desk, my army’s first Hellbrute is complete.         And, because I’m in the mood to show off, here’s a stock pick of what the kit is supposed to make.     It took me a while to file...