Imperial Fist test model

As I continue my quest to clear as many part-finished projects from my desk, I decided to turn my attention to the single Space Marine Hero figure I picked up. I’ve toyed with building an Imperial Fist force since I first read Ian Watson’s Space Marine back in the...

The Shambling Horde 2: Shamble Harder

Long-suffering readers (hi, you two!) may remember that as part of my Fifty Day Nurgle Challenge back in 2018, I managed to paint up forty Poxwalkers. Since then I acquired three more sprues from Trenchmate Tim from his Conquest sub and over the past week I’ve...

Necromunda Ambot

Today I finished my first Ambot.  I decided to paint this one as generic as possible in an industrial-inspired scheme so that any gang can use it. The other one in the set will be painted to form part of my Orlock gang – once I figure out what their colour...

Chaos Space Marine Helbrute

As many hobbyists, I’m using this time to catch up on some projects that have been lingering in my Drawer of Shame.  First up was the monopose Helbrute from the 6th edition Dark Vengeance set. I’ve been wanting to paint this since it was first unveiled...

Sassy Nurgling (and friend)

It’s been a while, hasn’t it?  Wish I could say that my absence was down to nothing but an ongoing cavalcade of awesomeness but I’d be a bigger liar than usual.  Truth is, I’ve been dealing with a lot at work as well as some pretty ugly...