Hellbrute WIP 2

Tidied up most of the body today and made a start on the arms, enough for me to want to show them off. I’m very happy with the process thus far and there’s a chance that I might be able to finish this beastie by Saturday.

Hellbrute WIP

It must be this awful hot weather but I’m having trouble focusing on a single project. Last night, I managed to fit in half an hour of painting after family duties and, rather than continuing work on my Terminators I thought I’d make a start on this chap....

A Change of Strategy

As I mentioned earlier today, I have a game in just under a fortnight.  Originally the plan was for me to finish what I started yesterday but this afternoon I realised that, while the Cultists and Forgefiend are very cool, they won’t really help me win the...


Have I bitten off more than I can chew? Possibly, although I’d love to get them all done tomorrow I think it’s realistic enough to expect them to be done within ten days or so. Once finished I’ll have at least 1,600 points of painted units. And then,...

Chaos Space Marine Terminator Lord

After what seems like forever, my first Chaos Space Marine Lord is finished. This now gives me a vaguely balanced Chaos force and I hope to give them a proper field test later in July, hopefully with a couple of further additions should I be able to pull my finger out