Terminator Lord – WIP

Sometimes, all too rarely, my self-control wins out.  This means that rather than embarking upon a new project as I alluded to yesterday I have instead been all sensible and elected to attempt to finish my long-gestating Terminator Lord as I realised that I only have...

Chaos Space Marine Predator

Finally, my Heralds of Desolation have some heavy support!           I’m fairly happy with this and I think I’ve managed to keep it consistent with the Rhino I finished a couple of months back.  Next up I’m going to try to...

Chaos Predator – WIP 3

I promise this is the last work in progress update of anything involving a Rhino chassis for a long time but I thought I’d share this evening’s results. Hopefully it’ll be done tomorrow, then I get to start on the lovely stuff I got for my birthday

Chaos Predator – WIP 2

A bit more progress this afternoon. I’d love to say I’ll it be done tomorrow but knowing my abilities to obsess over the smallest detail it’ll probably take until the weekend!

Chaos Predator – WIP

And back to my tanks     I started this well over a month ago but I put it on hold as I was getting sick of painting blue.  Don’t think I’ll have it done for this week’s Miniature Monday but with a bit of luck I’ll have it done...