Khârn The Betrayer

Somewhat later than I’d anticipated but I’ve finally finished Khârn.   As is clear, I stuck fairly close to the classic Khârn look but darkened the tone slightly to fit with my Berserkers.  I thoroughly enjoyed painting this chap, I’m really...

Khârn you dig it?

I’d say that’ll be the last Khârn-related pun but you know I’l lying Anyway, today I started work on the first character for my Chaos Marines and it had to be Khârn. While my Heralds of Desolation are (more or less) a Chaos Undivided mob, I love the...

Busy, busy, busy

This is why I love holidays, I’ve not been this productive in weeks. At the start of today this was still mostly unassembled. I took some time off to finish the Khorne Berserkers I posted earlier this afternoon but now it’s on with the heavy support for...

Blood for The Blood God!

It looks like my Heralds of Desolation are finally starting to take shape and their latest additions are these lovely balanced young gentlemen.

Trenchmates – The Space Marine Stormtalon by Tim Chant

Welcome to the first Trenchmates article of 2013 and where better to start than where we left off with my good friend and long-suffering opponent Tim Chant who today writes about the most recent addition to his Space Marine army, the awesome Stormtalon. The Space...