Chaos Space Marine Rhino: Day 3

Bored yet? I’m not. Not a lot done today as I had to work late again (those of you who know me will probably know why but here’s not the forum to comment on such things!) but I was able to get the tracks done and some of the spot colours are now in place....

Chaos Space Marine Rhino: Day 2

And so it continues. I had to work later than normal tonight thanks to a multitue of reasons so I was only able to get some metallic work done. As you can see there needs to be a metric fuck-ton (official term, that) which still needs to be done but I think I’m...

Chaos Space Marine Rhino: Day 1

In an effort to keep my efforts on track I’ve take the potentially annoying step of updating this blog daily with updates of how my Heralds’ Rhino is progressing. I wasn’t able to do as much as I’d have liked this evening but I was able to...

What’s on my desk this week

Since I’ve actually managed to clear my immediate to-do pile of Chaos Marines I thought I’d share with you, dear reader, what I’m moving on to. I’m sticking with the Chaos theme as Tim (and others) has been gently bugging me for ages to pull my...

Chaos Space Marines – Two Completed Squads

It’s taken me long enough but I’ve finally finished my first two squads for my Chaos Marine army. I’ve been working on these for far too long, one of the squads I bought and assembled in July 2010! I’m now working on a couple of Rhino-based...