Noxious Blightbringer

This is the third and final unit that I completed in time for last Friday’s game.  I’m particularly pleased with this one as I only realised on the Wednesday evening before the game that I was significanly under the points limit and try as I might I could...

Noxious Blightbringer

This is the third and final unit that I completed in time for last Friday’s game.  I’m particularly pleased with this one as I only realised on the Wednesday evening before the game that I was significanly under the points limit and try as I might I could...

Myphitic Blight-haulers

Following on from yesterday’s post, here’s the second unit I managed to compete. Some of you may remember that in my Fifty Day Nurgle Challenge from last year, I painted up my first Myphitic Blight-hauler, now finally I have completed the squad 🙂...

Plagueburst Crawler

Okay, okay, I know this is not a Necron unit – but I have a really good excuse! Last Friday I had arranged a game with my mate Bruce (of Games and Theory), who happens to be the husband of one of my childhood friends (small world etc…).  Given that there...

Necron Overlord

Here’s the first HQ unit for my Necron army. As you can no doubt see, I have a lot of improvement to do regarding stuff like the voidblade edging. Fortunately I have a second one of these on sprue in a Start Collecting box , so I’ll get another stab at one...