Fifty Day Nurgle Challenge – Day 50: DONE!!!!!

I really can’t believe it, not only have I finished my army in time for Saturday’s tournament, I actually finished within the fifty days I arbritrarily set for the task! Today I finished my Lord of Contagion. I actually did it!  I’m still in shock....

Fifty Day Nurgle Challenge – Day 49: A Spell is Cast

Yes, this should have gone up yesterday but it’s only 17 or so minutes late so screw you! Anyway, I managed to finish the Malignant Plaguecaster today (yesterday, whatever) so that leaves me with the Lord of Contageon to finish off tomorrow.  Plus I have an...

Fifty Day Nurgle Challenge – Day 44: Troops Finished!

Today I’m happy to report that the final unit of troops for my tournament army is completed. Three of these are from the Dark Imperium and with the separately bought Icon Bearer and the three easy build Plague Marines I completed a while ago, I have full squad*....