2017 a hobby review.

Wow its been a year! And what a year it has been! CSM getting a reboot in the first quarter, and then 8th ed drops for Warhammer 40k!I was just sorting out my photo album, well primarily trying to find photos to keep or delete and I was surprised what I have painted...

Malifaux – Batch Highlighting

Practice game with the missus before I started working on some the primed miniatures.Managed to get in a game with the wife to reacquaint her to Henchman Hardcore and Malifaux.I'm a big believer of priming and then hitting the models with a zenithal highlight all...

Drop Pods – In Bulk

I am a big believer that you spend less time per model if you just did them all in one go. Call efficiency of scale I guess. After the base construction, I hit all parts with a Black Primer followed by the relevant reds. I use an airbrush, Vallejo Game Air Scarlet Red...

Some modelling updates over the Past month

Last day of September today and i'm like a frenzied bloodletter typing away to get 1 more post before midnight...Some work in progress shots trying to the cheques onto my converted ork warbuggy. I cant believe I took 2 months to decide how to paint them and then in an...