2017 Year in Review and 2018 Hobby Goals

2017 Year in Review2017 started out promising in the way of hobby progress. I started to organize my space work space with the addition of some Vallejo paint racks. I made some progress on an Ordos Xenos army, and even completed a Kroot Mercenary which went on to win...

ModelZona 2016

For those living in and around the Phoenix Metro area ModelZona 2016 is only a few weeks away. Come show off your modeling skills in the competition, find some great buys in the swap meet or spend the day checking out the awesome works of others!

Modelzona 2015

Today was my first trip to the IPMS Modelzona Model show and competition. I entered 5 models: Space Wolf Drop Pod, Space Wolf Rhino, Imperial Guard Salamander, Imperial Guard Wounded Soldier, and a Kabuki Miniatures 'Napoleon X'. To my surprise I took home medals for...