Choose your own adversary

If you've ever wanted to see a given Hereticwerks creature in action, time to say so: next episode Bujilli and Leeja go up against whoever we pick. The list is here, the voting here._Explore more at the Expanse proper, or with Triffles: Abandoned Space...

Build-your-own braner

Last week I posted a weird new monster, alien or supernatural being that references M-theory - the noö-braner. If you missed it, the basic braner is essentially a trans-Euclidean lifeform able to slip more or less freely across various dimensions.It could be the basis...


This post at False Machine reminded me of noisms' recent suggestion that "Creating a truly new monster is difficult, and perhaps impossible". I thought I might have a go at it.A noö-braner is a trans-Euclidean being able to bleed freely across any and all dimensions...

An unexpectable journey

I haven't posted any flash fiction for a while, and I used to put up a story with 140 characters pretty much each week, so today I found a few minutes to see if I still can; 140 is a good mental workout.As inspiration this time I took a few subjects I've been...