March Madness

Busy busy busy... March is flying by. I keep thinking I'll get a moment to post some progress shots or something, but life is full of distractions (Vermintide 2, anyone?)Let's face it, sometimes it's hard to focus. A new game comes out, GW announces a ton of cool...

Monthly Muse #2

For this month's Muse, lets talk a little bit about what has been revealed so far for the upcoming 8th edition 40k, review some recent (and not so recent) hobby activity, and lastly I'll share some of my thoughts on using the Blogo app over the past couple months.So...

Monthly Muse: The Beginning

Merlin's beard!Monthly Muse is something I've been thinking about the last few weeks as a way to highlight some useful hobby tip or just something random I came across and thought was interesting or stood out over the past month. For this first installment let's take...

Monthly Muse: The Beginning

Merlin's beard!Monthly Muse is something I've been thinking about the last few weeks as a way to highlight some useful hobby tip or just something random I came across and thought was interesting or stood out over the past month. For this first installment let's take...