Ogryns, Bullgryns, Ogryns, Bullgryns – EVERYWHERE!

Approximate Reading Time: 6 minutesMy 40K games will never be the same again as I am now the proud owner of 6 magnetised Bullgryns so they can take either the Brute or Slabshield configurations as well as 6 magnetised Ogryns/Bullgryns that can be taken as Brute or...

Emperor’s Fist Armoured Company – Astra Militarum Formation

With the main detachment out of the way we can surge on (*cough* it’s been over 120 days since I started writing this article) and take a look at a half decent vehicle based formation available in Mont’Ka and the Cadia Supplement from Black Library. The...

Mont’Ka – Fluff Review

So I wanted to do a quick review on my thoughts on the fluff aspect of the new campaign.  The books themselves are good quality, artwork is nice.  I am a fan of the newer style of art that GW has been doing, so this continues with this trend, though there is...

Cadian Battle Group Detachment for Astra Militarum

Astra Militarum formations and detachment have finally arrived! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! My Mont’Ka book arrived last week and I was really stoked to finally get it after seeing all the leaks and peeks online. I am glad to say that it doens’t disappoint. This...

Cadian Detachment Warlord Traits & Heirlooms

Next up from the Mont'ka campaign book is the actual Cadian Detachment and its associated warlord traits and heirlooms.  In order to have a Cadian Detachment, you cannot have any Non-Cadian special characters, so only Creed, Kell and Pask are allowed.  There...