The City of Lead: A Tale of Four Oldhammer Gamers

Hello all! I have managed to paint up a figure, despite my looming return to work. Sometimes I think the long, sprawling days of summer don't help the painting mojo and work can slow to a painful crawl - but this figure seemed to just paint itself over the last few...

A Tale of Two Ravens part 2. and some TGG 2 freebies

 Raven the Chainbreaker.  Iconic Freedom fighter of the Jailbirds.  This model is in a great pose that such screams rage and rebellion. Here they are in both scales... heroic 28mm and 54 mm.I've depicted her armed with silver ammunition and blessed...

La manada terminada // The wolf pack finished

Bueno iba a armar este post en el almuerzo del laburo, pero se cortó la luz y no tuve que ir por la mañana. A todos nos justa laburar y hacer patria, pero a algunos nos gusta también armar posts para el blog con las fototitos de lobos en miniatura. El 24 por la noche...

Proxy Wars Episode 1: Mordheim

I play a lot of games, and dabble in quite a few more, and for many years I scrupulously used only the exact minis intended by the manufacturer for use with their game.  Its helpful, of course, especially in terms of WYSIWYG, but eventually everyone that plays a...

Imaginary Papocon – “A Breach in Spacetime”.

  Olá Leitor!   Este artigo é a versão em inglês do “Papocon Imaginária – Uma Fenda no Espaço-tempo”.  Clique o link para conferir o artigo em português!   +++   Hello Reader!   Playing miniature games is always our escuse to...