Godslayer Technocrat Preview

Megalith Games has posted a video of the work in progress render of the Mortans Technocrat for the awesome Godslayer. Enjoy…

New Godslayer Previews

I love Megalith. I love them because they created Godslayer and I love them because they’re releasing some truly awesome stuff… First up – Sons of War. They’re by all accounts warriors without peer, which I’m kinda getting the impression...

Megalith Previews Necromagus

Megalith Games are previewing the Necromagus for the Mortans faction of Godslayer. He’s kinda cool… A Necromagus belongs to the Ordo Mortificarum and works in service to the state, employing the forces of undeath to further the aims of the empire. All are...

Godslayer – A Review

Despite my love for science fiction, boltguns, space ships and transhumans I cut my wargaming teeth over 20 years ago on fantasy games like Hero Quest fuelled by history lessons learning about Rome and Ancient Greece, cartoons like Dungeons and Dragons and movies like...