Great Unclean One

I, like many of you have always been a big fan of the Forgeworld Great Unclean One. Festooned with detail, it beautifully captures the character of Nurgle’s Greater Daemon. I’d always wanted one but without a reason to convert it I put off buying one. Then...

Nemesis Dreadknights

Well it has been a long time hasn’t it. I took a bit of time away from the hobby for personal stuff last year. I dabbled a bit with Age of Sigmar projects (which I will show at some point) before returning fully to 40k projects and Artscale Space Marines....

The Lord of Death (again)

So I finished this second Mephiston conversion some time ago but my record breaking procrastination has meant I haven’t updated the site for a while. This image is taken from Luther’s (the painter’s) blog and he has a lot more...