Remember, remember, it’s another Movember!

Remember, remember, it’s another Movember!

I promised you all a Movember post, and here it is : )Last year, a bunch of us from the Guns Of April crew signed on for the Movember effort. This year, a few returned (Brien, Jamie, and myself) and we were joined by my friend Chris. You can check out our team page...
Horus Heresy – Death Guard Breacher

Horus Heresy – Death Guard Breacher

Hopefully I'll be able to set up my lights this week and get some more shots of the latest Death Guard goodness, but until then, here's a Death Guard Breacher ready to storm forward into action!And be warned, get your wallets out, a Movember post is coming very...

Scratching that itch…

Sometimes you see a couple of models that just speak to you, and sometimes they beg to be converted. That was the case with the new Warriors Of Chaos Warshrine, or more specifically the two beasts that lug it around. Combine this with having just finished reading...

Lamenters Update: Death Company Tycho/Janus and other news.

Here he is, Death Company Captain Janus (my version of DC Tycho, thanks to Brien for the name). Constructed primarily from Sanguiary Guard bitz, he also sports a combi-melta that was cobbled together from other models. His paint scheme matches the other Death Company...

Movember: The halfway mark!

So, here we are just over halfway through Movember. My 'stache is coming along nicely, filling in everyday and becoming more luxurious. It has earned hundreds of amusing (and smart-ass) comments from friends and family, but not enough donations yet. I'm more than...