++ Trailer Tuesday ++

Gotta say this looks way better then I thought it would when I heard about it... Actuallyy looking forward to this one. Cheers

++ Trailer Tuesday ++

Hello every-buddy,Hope alls well and I thought I would share another trailer with you guys and gals out there.Not Sci-Fi this week but I think it looks good and it has motorcycles and Ryan Gosling so dudes and chicks can both enjoy it!

A New Beginning…

Hey guys and welcome to my new Blog, 24 Hour Gaming Geek.  This blog has been in planning for a while and I finally found some time this weekend (while recovering from a great Friday night!) to finally get it all put together.  So lets get too it, lots of...

Digital Waaagh movie reviews

I am not a movie expert.  I go to the movies to be entertained, not analyze every shot, and subcontext.  If a movie is overall enjoyable to me, the studio has done their job, (in coordination with the cast, and crew and director.)  That being said, I...

Reliving my Youth – The 80’s part 1

For the next few weeks, I am going to take you back to the wonderful 80's.  The time of big hair, wood paneling, and techno-pop rock.  There seems to be a resurgence of 80's remakes and such lately. Hollywood hasn't had an original idea in decades. And...