MTG – Constructed Pauper and UR Fiend

For the first time in a long time I participated in a paper constructed event.  I usually participate in pre-release tournaments and maybe a draft once in a blue moon but not constructed.  Playing competitive constructed Magic just takes too much time and...

MTG – Dragons of Tarkir Pre-Release

New set out for Magic meaning another pre-release!I was really excited to play in this pre-release because of all the dragons that were going to be in the set.  And my pool did not disappoint (more about my pool later).  Penny had to come with me for the...

MTG – Khans of Tarkir Cube Update 1

Another big update with the release of Khans of Tarkir.  My previous cube post had my thoughts on what I was planning on adding and I pretty much stuck to it with a few minor deviations.  I also took the opportunity to add a few things from Conspiracy and a...

MTG – Khans of Tarkir First Impressions for my Cube

Fetch lands!  This alone makes the set exciting.  Then more mana fixing in the form of the wedge lands, and then more mana fixing in the form of the paired coloured lands.  I'm going to have to do a lot of thinking as to what I'm going to take out and...

MTG – Journey into Nyx Cube Update 1

Big update this time.  With the full set of temples available I've found a way to include them.  I have a large gold section so having the proper mana fixing is important.  The temples are a great addition while not breaking the bank.  Drafting 5...