The (Several) Sunday(s) Round-up

Not a bad week this week. I'm finally beginning to get some movement back in my wrists so basic hobbying is now an option but unfortunately painting isn't really viable yet due to the real world blurring out of focus periodically when I concentrate on anything for too...

‘Myth’ Unboxing and Review

Some time ago I took a chance on a Kickstarter for a game called Myth as the rule-set seemed rather interesting and the model concepts also had a certain appeal...Unfortunately I didn't have a great deal of time to invest in another game system by the time it arrived...

MERCS Recon Kickstarter Is Live

Those Kickstarter campaigns are truly coming hard and fast again these days. This one has been on the horizon for a while, and is now live on Kickstarter (and funded many times over): MERCS Recon, from the makers of the miniatures skirmish game of MERCS and the highly...

MERCS Recon Kickstarter Imminent

Here is an interesting bit of news. The makers of MERCS Miniatures are apparently about to launch a Kickstarter for a game called MERCS: Recon, which may be combining the best of their rich near-sci-fi MERCS setting and the fantastic Myth game that was their first...

Mercs Miniatures Receives Cease and Desist for Myth

I am increasingly amazed at the kind of minefield the (miniature)-games industry is. Here’s some unpleasant news from Mercs Miniatures, who recently completed a nearly 1,000,000.- USD Kickstarter for their cooperation fantasy miniatures board-game Myth. Their...