by Swelter | Jan 23, 2015
So.. here I was painting up Tarja and Shashenka, two of the Kurganova Yagas, when I was inspired (probably by the very personality driven sculpts) to write up a bit of background fluff to guide me on my themes! So.. here are Tarja and Shashenka and a...
by Swelter | Sep 28, 2013
The last of the Contagion Salvage Project group that I picked up second hand a few months back. I've been coveting this model for years and just never worked it into my purchase plan. I thought I'd do a walk through of how this guy painted up.For the...
by Swelter | Sep 25, 2013
The last three Mordheim figures that I have ready to hand. I still have the Carnival of Chaos, the Stage Coach, and a Chaos Warband in a box at the bottom of the closet but those will have to wait for another day! The Witch Hunter Johan has a...
by Swelter | Sep 17, 2013
Back to Mordheim for a moment! Here is a set of Sigmarite Sisters. Its a box set plus a couple of odd blisters that I picked up cheap in France.I wanted a feel like the old eastern European religious icons that were painted, more or less, directly on...