Tarja and Shashenka: Kurganova Yagas

 So.. here I was painting up Tarja and Shashenka, two of the Kurganova Yagas,  when I was inspired (probably by the very personality driven sculpts) to write up a bit of background fluff to guide me on my themes!  So.. here are Tarja and Shashenka and a...
One Shot Blondie and the Lulus

One Shot Blondie and the Lulus

 Batch one of the lulus is done.  There are 4 batches total so three more remain on the table.  They are a fun group and have a lot of character. One Shot Blondie is the leader/guardian of the Lulus (also to be known as the brat packs in in the...
Forge World Great Unclean One Step by Step

Forge World Great Unclean One Step by Step

The last of the Contagion Salvage Project group that I picked up second hand a few months back.  I've been coveting this model for years and just never worked it into my purchase plan.  I thought I'd do a walk through of how this guy painted up.For the...
Mordheim Nicodemus, Johan and Wilhelm

Mordheim Nicodemus, Johan and Wilhelm

 The last three Mordheim figures that I have ready to hand.  I still have the Carnival of Chaos, the Stage Coach, and a Chaos Warband in a box at the bottom of the closet but those will have to wait for another day!  The Witch Hunter Johan has a...
Mordheim Sigmarite Sisters

Mordheim Sigmarite Sisters

 Back to Mordheim for a moment!  Here is a set of Sigmarite Sisters.  Its a box set plus a couple of odd blisters that I picked up cheap in France.I wanted a feel like the old eastern European religious icons that were painted, more or less, directly on...