Farewell to Next Dimension Games

Farewell to Next Dimension Games

WFB 1000 point tournament at NDG from just 2 weekends ago.Today Next Dimension Games announced they were closing their doors. I started helping out there in October - initially just painting up their scenery and then progressively working towards building the...
A Weekend of Gaming Part 2 – WFB ‘Its How You Use It’

A Weekend of Gaming Part 2 – WFB ‘Its How You Use It’

Next weekend, Saturday March 8th is a small friendly tournament at Next Dimension Games using Adepticon's 'Its How You Use It' WFB Tournament guidelines. For those that don't know, the 'Its How You Use It' format is 1000 points, which in WFB is generally considered -...
New Scenery at Next Dimension Games

New Scenery at Next Dimension Games

Back in October Next Dimension Games commissioned me to work on their store terrain. This is a smattering of what I've been working on. One of the first pieces I worked on was a pair of Imperial Bastions. I don't have any pics of those today, but I did photograph the...
Next Dimension Games

Next Dimension Games

A month ago I was enlisted to help out with the gaming tables at Next Dimension Games in the Lakeview neighborhood of Chicago. They've only been there a few months so you may not of heard. I wanted to take a moment to talk about Next Dimension since they're a new...