Necromunda – Ash Wastes Nomads

With the initial Necromunda campaign well underway, I've been giving some further thought to the next one. Where the Dust Falls campaign is set about halfway up the hive, not too far below The Wall, the upcoming one will be set all the way down at ground level, at the...

Necromunda – House Cawdor Ambot

The Necromunda goodness continues! One of the House Cawdor players in the campaign had made a tidy pile of credits and was looking for something to spend it on. Enter the consecrated Ambot, guaranteed 99.9% holy!  Didn't want to just paint it up in the gang...

Necromunda – The Redeemer’s Crusade

Next up on deck is another batch of antagonists for the Dust Falls campaign, in the form of the Redeemer's Crusade!The recent news of a Plague Zombie infestation has led the legendary incendiary himself, Klovis the Redeemer to the outskirts of Dust Falls, where he is...

Necromunda – Downhive Dispatch #2

Got the group of players together over the past weekend for another rumble in the underhive, prompting another release of the...Downhive Dispatch Vol. 1, Issue #2After a brief cease-fire, clashes between the houses once again erupted in the Dust Falls...

Necromunda – PT Barnacle’s Carnival of Chaos

Continuing the trend of painting up antagonists to menace my players with in the Down in Out in Dust Falls campaign, time to raise the curtain on PT Barnacle's Carnival of Chaos! These are super old models that have been knocking around in the Closet of Doom for...