The Seige of Terra Dawns + Pics of New Models

We have a full array of pics of new models and some information here about the Seige of Terra from the Horus Heresy Necromunda Weekender. There are some amazing models being shown.Read more »

The Future of Necromunda Revealed: Lots of Pics

Battle Bunnies always does an excellent job at getting these pics for the community. these are amazing, and the new possibilities for settings looks like a ton of fun. This is from the Horus Heresy and Necromunda Weekender.Read more »

Horus Heresy and Necromunda Weekender and What to Look for.

This will be an exciting weekend even for those of us that cannot attend the sold out event this weekend. The Horus Heresy and Necromunda Weekender is certain to give us some insight on the next Forgeworld Horus Heresy releases alongside some Orlocks and other...