Genestealer Cult – Ancestor Relic

It's been a while since I added anything to my genestealer cult, the Kabeiroi. With the release of the rules for the cult in White Dwarf I decided to paint a few new additions to get the family Necromunda ready. I've wanted to paint up this gnarly gun-toting alien...

The Clan Escher

At long last, the group image of the entire Clan Escher that was painted a while back.  This was the very first non historical unit that I tried painting in oils.When I worked on these, it was much earlier in my exploration of using oils on figures.  I have...


I’m currently still mucking about with my Dark Angels but inspiration was getting a bit sparse so I decided to knock up a little buddy for my soon-to-be-built-and-painted-honest-I-really-mean-it-this-time Necromunda gangs.  Here he is. I know it’s a bit...

Goliaths vs Esher – potyczka w niższych poziomach Necromundy

Heja,Dzisiaj wyjątkowo w formie tekstowej chciałem się z wami podzielić przebiegiem gry na około 1000 kredytów. Wziąłem ze sobą bandę, którą pomalowałem ostatnio i zagrałem przeciwko uczącemu się też koledze Theidanowi. On zagrał klubowymi Esherkami, ja swoimi...

Pretty in Pink

We near the end of the Clan Escher Necromunda gang, and one more hairdo!She was part of the squad which was painted with oils, as featured in this Facebook Live...